view mcabber/libjabber/jabber.h @ 1461:8fa24a6d1a93

Improve Remote Controlling Clients The XEP recommends adding the node to the IQ response. Some clients seem not to understand the answer when it is omitted. Problem reported by Rhaamo and js (thanks to js for spotting the node issue!).
author Mikael Berthe <>
date Sat, 12 Apr 2008 13:35:03 +0200
parents 2faf179166f3
line wrap: on
line source

 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 *  Jabber
 *  Copyright (C) 1998-1999 The Jabber Team

#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>

#include "libxode.h"
#include "../connwrap/connwrap.h"


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
/*                                                           */
/* JID structures & constants                                */
/*                                                           */
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
#define JID_RESOURCE 1
#define JID_USER     2
#define JID_SERVER   4

typedef struct jid_struct
    pool               p;
    char*              resource;
    char*              user;
    char*              server;
    char*              full;
    struct jid_struct *next; /* for lists of jids */
} *jid;

jid     jid_new(pool p, char *idstr);          /* Creates a jabber id from the idstr */

void    jid_set(jid id, char *str, int item);  /* Individually sets jid components */
char*   jid_full(jid id);                      /* Builds a string type=user/resource@server from the jid data */
int     jid_cmp(jid a, jid b);                 /* Compares two jid's, returns 0 for perfect match */
int     jid_cmpx(jid a, jid b, int parts);     /* Compares just the parts specified as JID_|JID_ */
jid     jid_append(jid a, jid b);              /* Appending b to a (list), no dups */
xmlnode jid_xres(jid id);                      /* Returns xmlnode representation of the resource?query=string */
xmlnode jid_nodescan(jid id, xmlnode x);       /* Scans the children of the node for a matching jid attribute */
jid     jid_user(jid a);                       /* returns the same jid but just of the user@host part */

/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
/*                                                           */
/* JPacket structures & constants                            */
/*                                                           */
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
#define JPACKET_UNKNOWN   0x00
#define JPACKET_MESSAGE   0x01
#define JPACKET_PRESENCE  0x02
#define JPACKET_IQ        0x04
#define JPACKET_S10N      0x08

#define JPACKET__UNKNOWN      0
#define JPACKET__NONE         1
#define JPACKET__ERROR        2
#define JPACKET__CHAT         3
#define JPACKET__GET          5
#define JPACKET__SET          6
#define JPACKET__RESULT       7
#define JPACKET__AVAILABLE    12
#define JPACKET__PROBE        14
#define JPACKET__HEADLINE     15
#define JPACKET__INVISIBLE    16

typedef struct jpacket_struct
    unsigned char type;             /**< stanza type (JPACKET_*) */
    int           subtype;          /**< subtype of a stanza */
    int           flag;             /**< used by the session manager to flag messages, that are read from offline storage */
    void*         aux1;             /**< pointer to data passed around with a jpacket, multiple use inside jsm */
    xmlnode       x;                /**< xmlnode containing the stanza inside the jpacket */
    jid           to;               /**< destination of the stanza */
    jid           from;             /**< source address for the stanza */
    char*         iqns;             /**< pointer to the namespace inside an IQ stanza */
    xmlnode       iq;               /**< "content" of an iq stanza, pointer to the element in its own namespace */
    pool          p;                /**< memory pool used for this stanza */
} *jpacket, _jpacket;

jpacket jpacket_new(xmlnode x);     /* Creates a jabber packet from the xmlnode */
jpacket jpacket_reset(jpacket p);   /* Resets the jpacket values based on the xmlnode */
int     jpacket_subtype(jpacket p); /* Returns the subtype value (looks at xmlnode for it) */

/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
/*                                                           */
/* Presence Proxy DB structures & constants                  */
/*                                                           */
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef struct ppdb_struct
    jid     id;                /* entry data */
    int     pri;
    xmlnode x;
    struct ppdb_struct* user;  /* linked list for user@server */
    pool                p;     /* db-level data */
    struct ppdb_struct* next;
} _ppdb, *ppdb;

ppdb    ppdb_insert(ppdb db, jid id, xmlnode x); /* Inserts presence into the proxy */
xmlnode ppdb_primary(ppdb db, jid id);           /* Fetches the matching primary presence for the id */
void    ppdb_free(ppdb db);                      /* Frees the db and all entries */
xmlnode ppdb_get(ppdb db, jid id);               /* Called successively to return each presence xmlnode */
						 /*   for the id and children, returns NULL at the end */

/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
/*                                                           */
/* Simple Jabber Rate limit functions                        */
/*                                                           */
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef struct jlimit_struct
    char *key;
    int start;
    int points;
    int maxt, maxp;
    pool p;
} *jlimit, _jlimit;

jlimit jlimit_new(int maxt, int maxp);
void jlimit_free(jlimit r);
int jlimit_check(jlimit r, char *key, int points);

/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
/*                                                           */
/* Error structures & constants                              */
/*                                                           */
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef struct terror_struct
    int  code;
    char msg[64];
} terror;

#define TERROR_BAD           (terror){400,"Bad Request"}
#define TERROR_AUTH          (terror){401,"Unauthorized"}
#define TERROR_PAY           (terror){402,"Payment Required"}
#define TERROR_FORBIDDEN     (terror){403,"Forbidden"}
#define TERROR_NOTFOUND      (terror){404,"Not Found"}
#define TERROR_NOTALLOWED    (terror){405,"Not Allowed"}
#define TERROR_NOTACCEPTABLE (terror){406,"Not Acceptable"}
#define TERROR_REGISTER      (terror){407,"Registration Required"}
#define TERROR_REQTIMEOUT    (terror){408,"Request Timeout"}
#define TERROR_CONFLICT      (terror){409,"Conflict"}

#define TERROR_INTERNAL   (terror){500,"Internal Server Error"}
#define TERROR_NOTIMPL    (terror){501,"Not Implemented"}
#define TERROR_EXTERNAL   (terror){502,"Remote Server Error"}
#define TERROR_UNAVAIL    (terror){503,"Service Unavailable"}
#define TERROR_EXTTIMEOUT (terror){504,"Remote Server Timeout"}
#define TERROR_DISCONNECTED (terror){510,"Disconnected"}

/* we define this to signal that we support xterror */

typedef struct xterror_struct
    int  code;
    char msg[256];
    char type[9];
    char condition[64];
} xterror;

#define XTERROR_BAD		(xterror){400,"Bad Request","modify","bad-request"}
#define XTERROR_CONFLICT	(xterror){409,"Conflict","cancel","conflict"}
#define XTERROR_NOTIMPL		(xterror){501,"Not Implemented","cancel","feature-not-implemented"}
#define XTERROR_FORBIDDEN	(xterror){403,"Forbidden","auth","forbidden"}
#define XTERROR_GONE		(xterror){302,"Gone","modify","gone"}
#define XTERROR_INTERNAL	(xterror){500,"Internal Server Error","wait","internal-server-error"}
#define XTERROR_NOTFOUND	(xterror){404,"Not Found","cancel","item-not-found"}
#define XTERROR_JIDMALFORMED	(xterror){400,"Bad Request","modify","jid-malformed"}
#define XTERROR_NOTACCEPTABLE	(xterror){406,"Not Acceptable","modify","not-acceptable"}
#define XTERROR_NOTALLOWED	(xterror){405,"Not Allowed","cancel","not-allowed"}
#define XTERROR_AUTH		(xterror){401,"Unauthorized","auth","not-authorized"}
#define XTERROR_PAY		(xterror){402,"Payment Required","auth","payment-required"}
#define XTERROR_RECIPIENTUNAVAIL (xterror){404,"Receipient Is Unavailable","wait","recipient-unavailable"}
#define XTERROR_REDIRECT	(xterror){302,"Redirect","modify","redirect"}
#define XTERROR_REGISTER	(xterror){407,"Registration Required","auth","registration-required"}
#define XTERROR_REMOTENOTFOUND	(xterror){404,"Remote Server Not Found","cancel","remote-server-not-found"}
#define XTERROR_REMOTETIMEOUT	(xterror){504,"Remote Server Timeout","wait","remote-server-timeout"}
#define XTERROR_RESCONSTRAINT	(xterror){500,"Resource Constraint","wait","resource-constraint"}
#define XTERROR_UNAVAIL		(xterror){503,"Service Unavailable","cancel","service-unavailable"}
#define XTERROR_SUBSCRIPTIONREQ	(xterror){407,"Subscription Required","auth","subscription-required"}
#define XTERROR_UNDEF_CANCEL	(xterror){500,NULL,"cancel","undefined-condition"}
#define XTERROR_UNDEF_CONTINUE	(xterror){500,NULL,"continue","undefined-condition"}
#define XTERROR_UNDEF_MODIFY	(xterror){500,NULL,"modify","undefined-condition"}
#define XTERROR_UNDEF_AUTH	(xterror){500,NULL,"auth","undefined-condition"}
#define XTERROR_UNDEF_WAIT	(xterror){500,NULL,"wait","undefined-condition"}
#define XTERROR_UNEXPECTED	(xterror){400,"Unexpected Request","wait","unexpected-request"}

#define XTERROR_REQTIMEOUT	(xterror){408,"Request Timeout","wait","remote-server-timeout"}
#define XTERROR_EXTERNAL	(xterror){502,"Remote Server Error","wait","service-unavailable"}
#define XTERROR_EXTTIMEOUT	(xterror){504,"Remote Server Timeout","wait","remote-server-timeout"}
#define XTERROR_DISCONNECTED	(xterror){510,"Disconnected","cancel","service-unavailable"}

/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
/*                                                           */
/* Namespace constants                                       */
/*                                                           */
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
#define NSCHECK(x,n) (j_strcmp(xmlnode_get_attrib(x,"xmlns"),n) == 0)

#define NS_CLIENT    "jabber:client"
#define NS_SERVER    "jabber:server"
#define NS_DIALBACK  "jabber:server:dialback"
#define NS_AUTH      "jabber:iq:auth"
#define NS_AUTH_CRYPT "jabber:iq:auth:crypt"
#define NS_REGISTER  "jabber:iq:register"
#define NS_ROSTER    "jabber:iq:roster"
#define NS_OFFLINE   "jabber:x:offline"
#define NS_AGENT     "jabber:iq:agent"
#define NS_AGENTS    "jabber:iq:agents"
#define NS_DELAY     "jabber:x:delay"
#define NS_VERSION   "jabber:iq:version"
#define NS_TIME      "jabber:iq:time"
#define NS_VCARD     "vcard-temp"
#define NS_PRIVATE   "jabber:iq:private"
#define NS_SEARCH    "jabber:iq:search"
#define NS_OOB       "jabber:iq:oob"
#define NS_XOOB      "jabber:x:oob"
#define NS_ADMIN     "jabber:iq:admin"
#define NS_FILTER    "jabber:iq:filter"
#define NS_AUTH_0K   "jabber:iq:auth:0k"
#define NS_BROWSE    "jabber:iq:browse"
#define NS_EVENT     "jabber:x:event"
#define NS_CONFERENCE "jabber:iq:conference"
#define NS_SIGNED    "jabber:x:signed"
#define NS_ENCRYPTED "jabber:x:encrypted"
#define NS_GATEWAY   "jabber:iq:gateway"
#define NS_LAST      "jabber:iq:last"
#define NS_ENVELOPE  "jabber:x:envelope"
#define NS_EXPIRE    "jabber:x:expire"
#define NS_XHTML     ""
#define NS_DISCO_INFO ""
#define NS_DISCO_ITEMS ""
#define NS_IQ_AUTH    ""

#define NS_CAPS       ""
#define NS_CHATSTATES ""
#define NS_COMMANDS   ""
#define NS_MUC        ""

#define NS_XDBGINSERT "jabber:xdb:ginsert"
#define NS_XDBNSLIST  "jabber:xdb:nslist"

#define NS_XMPP_STANZAS "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"
#define NS_XMPP_TLS  "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls"
#define NS_XMPP_STREAMS "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams"

#define NS_XMPP_DELAY "urn:xmpp:delay"
#define NS_XMPP_TIME  "urn:xmpp:time"
#define NS_PING       "urn:xmpp:ping"


/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
/*                                                           */
/* Message Types                                             */
/*                                                           */
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
#define TMSG_NORMAL     "normal"
#define TMSG_ERROR      "error"
#define TMSG_CHAT       "chat"
#define TMSG_GROUPCHAT  "groupchat"
#define TMSG_HEADLINE   "headline"

/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
/*                                                           */
/* JUtil functions                                           */
/*                                                           */
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
xmlnode jutil_presnew(int type, char *to, char *status); /* Create a skeleton presence packet */
xmlnode jutil_iqnew(int type, char *ns);                 /* Create a skeleton iq packet */
xmlnode jutil_msgnew(char *type, char *to, char *subj, char *body);
							 /* Create a skeleton message packet */
xmlnode jutil_header(char* xmlns, char* server);         /* Create a skeleton stream packet */
int     jutil_priority(xmlnode x);                       /* Determine priority of this packet */
void    jutil_tofrom(xmlnode x);                         /* Swaps to/from fields on a packet */
xmlnode jutil_iqresult(xmlnode x);                       /* Generate a skeleton iq/result, given a iq/query */
char*   jutil_timestamp(void);                           /* Get stringified timestamp */
void    jutil_error(xmlnode x, terror E);                /* Append an <error> node to x */
void    jutil_delay(xmlnode msg, char *reason);          /* Append a delay packet to msg */
char*   jutil_regkey(char *key, char *seed);             /* pass a seed to generate a key, pass the key again to validate (returns it) */

/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
/*                                                           */
/* JConn structures & functions                              */
/*                                                           */
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
#define JCONN_STATE_OFF       0
#define JCONN_STATE_ON        2
#define JCONN_STATE_AUTH      3

typedef struct jconn_struct
    /* Core structure */
    pool        p;          /* Memory allocation pool */
    int         state;      /* Connection state flag */
    int         cw_state;   /* Low level connection state flag */
    int         fd;         /* Connection file descriptor */
    char        *server;    /* The server we'll connect too */
    int         port;
    int         ssl;
    jid         user;       /* User info */
    char        *pass;      /* User passwd */

    /* Stream stuff */
    int         id;         /* id counter for jab_getid() function */
    char        idbuf[9];   /* temporary storage for jab_getid() */
    char        *sid;       /* stream id from server, for digest auth */
    XML_Parser  parser;     /* Parser instance */
    xmlnode     current;    /* Current node in parsing instance.. */

    /* Event callback ptrs */
    void (*on_state)(struct jconn_struct *j, int state);
    void (*on_packet)(struct jconn_struct *j, jpacket p);
    void (*logger)(struct jconn_struct *j, int inout, const char *p);

} *jconn, jconn_struct;

typedef void (*jconn_state_h)(jconn j, int state);
typedef void (*jconn_packet_h)(jconn j, jpacket p);
typedef void (*jconn_logger)(jconn j, int inout, const char *p);

jconn jab_new(char *user, char *pass, char *server, int port, int ssl);
void jab_delete(jconn j);
void jab_state_handler(jconn j, jconn_state_h h);
void jab_packet_handler(jconn j, jconn_packet_h h);
void jab_logger(jconn j, jconn_logger h);
void jab_start(jconn j);
void jab_stop(jconn j);

int jab_getfd(jconn j);
jid jab_getjid(jconn j);
char *jab_getsid(jconn j);
char *jab_getid(jconn j);

void jab_send(jconn j, xmlnode x);
void jab_send_raw(jconn j, const char *str);
void jab_recv(jconn j);
void jab_poll(jconn j, int timeout);

char *jab_auth(jconn j);
int   jab_auth_mcabber(jconn j, xmlnode x);
char *jab_reg(jconn j);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif  /* INCL_JABBER_H */