view mcabber/doc/help/en/hlp_roster.txt @ 2023:26edaf6ea10b

xmpp_setstatus: send presence to MUC rooms before the global presence It only matters (AFAICS) when going offline. We want the presence to be sent by mcabber and not by the server, especially if we're using PGP.
author Mikael Berthe <>
date Mon, 30 Jul 2012 22:39:17 +0200
parents 8dc418af3e72
children 2b13be73351d
line wrap: on
line source

 /ROSTER bottom|top|up|down|group_prev|group_next
 /ROSTER alternate|unread_first|unread_next
 /ROSTER search bud
 /ROSTER display|hide_offline|show_offline|toggle_offline
 /ROSTER item_lock|item_unlock|item_toggle_lock
 /ROSTER hide|show|toggle
 /ROSTER note [-|text]
 /ROSTER resource_lock|resource_unlock

The 'roster' command manipulates the roster/buddylist.
Here are the available parameters:

/roster bottom
 Jump to the bottom of the roster
/roster top
 Jump to the top of the roster
/roster up [n]
 Move up [n lines] in the roster
/roster down [n]
 Move down [n lines] in the roster
/roster group_prev
 Jump to the previous group in the roster
/roster group_next
 Jump to the next group in the roster
/roster alternate
 Jump to alternate buddy.  The "alternate" buddy is the last buddy left while being in chat mode.  This command is thus especially useful after commands like "/roster unread_next" (Ctrl-q).
/roster unread_first
 Jump to the first unread message
/roster unread_next
 Jump to the next unread message
/roster search bud
 Search for a buddy with a name or jid containing "bud" (only in the displayed buddylist)
/roster display [mask]
 See or update the roster filter.
 The mask should contain the shortcut letters of the status you want to see ([o]nline, [f]ree_for_chat, [d]o_not_disturb, [n]ot_available, [a]way, [_]offline).
 For example "ofdna" to display only connected buddies.
 "*" can be used as a shortcut to display all contacts.
/roster hide_offline
 Hide offline buddies (same as /roster display ofdna)
/roster show_offline
 Show offline buddies (same as /roster display ofdna_)
/roster toggle_offline
 Toggle display of offline buddies
/roster item_lock [jid]
 Lock the roster item so it remains visible regardless of its status
/roster item_unlock [jid]
 Undo the effects of item_lock
/roster item_toggle_lock [jid]
 Invert the current lock flag
/roster hide
 Hide roster (full-width chat window)
/roster show
 Show roster
/roster toggle
 Toggle roster visibility
/roster note [-|text]
 Set/update/delete an annotation.
 If there is no text, the current item's annotation is displayed -- if you are in the status buffer, all notes are displayed.
 If text is "-", the note is erased.
/roster resource_lock [full jid|resource]
 Sets active resource for a buddy in roster. Accepts special jid "./resource" for current buddy, or just a resource name.
/roster resource_unlock [jid]
 Unsets active resource for a buddy. Accepts special jid "." for current buddy.