view mcabber/doc/help/en/hlp_msay.txt @ 2023:26edaf6ea10b

xmpp_setstatus: send presence to MUC rooms before the global presence It only matters (AFAICS) when going offline. We want the presence to be sent by mcabber and not by the server, especially if we're using PGP.
author Mikael Berthe <>
date Mon, 30 Jul 2012 22:39:17 +0200
parents 9e3f8cbdfe02
line wrap: on
line source

 /MSAY begin|verbatim|send|send_to|toggle|toggle_verbatim|abort

Send a multi-line message.  To write a single message with several lines, the 'multi-line mode' should be used.
In multi-line mode, each line (except command lines) typed in the input line will be added to the multi-line message.  Once the message is finished, it can be sent to the current selected buddy with the "/msay send" command.
The 'begin' subcommand enables multi-line mode.  Note that it allows a message subject to be specified.
The 'verbatim' multi-line mode disables commands, so that it is possible to enter lines starting with a slash.  Only the "/msay" command (with send or abort parameters) can be used to exit verbatim mode.
The 'toggle' subcommand can be bound to a key to use the multi-line mode quickly (for example, "bind M13 = msay toggle" to switch using the Meta-Enter combination).

/msay begin [subject]
 Enter multi-line mode
/msay verbatim
 Enter verbatim multi-line mode
/msay send [-n|-h]
 Send the current multi-line message to the currently selected buddy
/msay send_to [-n|-h] jid
 Send the current multi-line message to "jid"
/msay toggle|toggle_verbatim
 Switch to/from multi-line mode (begin/send)
/msay abort
 Leave multi-line mode without sending the message

The -n or -h flags turn the message to "normal" or "headline" accordingly, as opposed to default "chat" message.