view mcabber/doc/help/en/hlp_iline.txt @ 2023:26edaf6ea10b

xmpp_setstatus: send presence to MUC rooms before the global presence It only matters (AFAICS) when going offline. We want the presence to be sent by mcabber and not by the server, especially if we're using PGP.
author Mikael Berthe <>
date Mon, 30 Jul 2012 22:39:17 +0200
parents 0870005f7efc
children 3956d1f207a3
line wrap: on
line source

 /ILINE fchar|bchar|char_fdel|char_bdel|char_swap
 /ILINE fword|bword|word_bdel|word_fdel
 /ILINE word_upcase|word_downcase|word_capit
 /ILINE hist_beginning_search_bwd|hist_beginning_search_fwd
 /ILINE hist_prev|hist_next
 /ILINE iline_start|iline_end|iline_fdel|iline_bdel
 /ILINE iline_accept|iline_accept_down_hist
 /ILINE iline_insert
 /ILINE clear_history
 /ILINE compl_do|compl_cancel
 /ILINE send_multiline

Input line commands

/iline fchar
 Move to the next letter
/iline bchar
 Move to the previous letter
/iline char_fdel
 Delete the letter at cursor position
/iline char_bdel
 Delete the letter before cursor position
/iline char_swap
 Transpose chars
/iline fword
 Move the cursor forward to the end of the current or next word
/iline bword
 Move the cursor back to the start of the current or previous word
/iline word_bdel
 Delete the word from cursor position to its start
/iline word_fdel
 Delete the word from cursor position to its end
/iline word_upcase
 Convert the word from cursor position to its end to upper case
/iline word_downcase
 Convert the word from cursor position to its end to down case
/iline word_capit
 Capitalize the word from cursor position to its end
/iline hist_beginning_search_bwd
 Search backward in the history for a  line  beginning  with  the current  line  up  to the cursor (this leaves the cursor in its original position)
/iline hist_beginning_search_fwd
 Search forward in the history for a  line  beginning  with  the current  line  up  to the cursor (this leaves the cursor in its original position)
/iline hist_prev
 Previous line of input line history
/iline hist_next
 Next line of input line history
/iline iline_start
 Go to the beginning of the input line
/iline iline_end
 Go to the end of the input line
/iline iline_fdel
 Delete from the cursor to the end of line
/iline iline_bdel
 Delete from beginning of the line to the cursor
/iline iline_accept
 Accept line
/iline iline_accept_down_hist
 Accept line and put the next history line in the input line
/iline iline_insert text
 Insert some text in the input line, at the current position.  Please note that quotes have to be escaped, and that the screen is not refreshed (use /screen_refresh).
/iline clear_history
 Clear the command line history
/iline compl_do
 Complete current word, in the input line
/iline compl_cancel
 Cancel completion
/iline send_multiline
 Send/terminate a multi-line message