view mcabber/doc/help/en/hlp_buffer.txt @ 2023:26edaf6ea10b

xmpp_setstatus: send presence to MUC rooms before the global presence It only matters (AFAICS) when going offline. We want the presence to be sent by mcabber and not by the server, especially if we're using PGP.
author Mikael Berthe <>
date Mon, 30 Jul 2012 22:39:17 +0200
parents 2fdb75cb3725
line wrap: on
line source

 /BUFFER clear|close|close_all|purge|list
 /BUFFER top|bottom|date|%|readmark
 /BUFFER search_backward|search_forward
 /BUFFER scroll_lock|scroll_unlock|scroll_toggle
 /BUFFER save filename

Buddy's buffer manipulation command.  E.g. you can search through buffer for "text", clear chat window etc.

/buffer clear
 Clear the current buddy chat window
/buffer close [jid]
 Empty all contents of the buffer and close the current buddy chat window
/buffer close_all
 Empty all contents of the chat buffers and close the chat windows
/buffer purge [jid]
 Clear the current buddy chat window and empty all contents of the chat buffer
/buffer list
 Display the list of existing buffers, with their length (lines/blocks)
/buffer top
 Jump to the top of the current buddy chat buffer
/buffer bottom
 Jump to the bottom of the current buddy chat buffer
/buffer up [n]
 Scroll the buffer up [n] lines (default: half a screen)
/buffer down [n]
 Scroll the buffer down [n] lines (default: half a screen)
/buffer date [date]
 Jump to the first line after the specified [date] in the chat buffer (date format: "YYYY-mm-dd")
/buffer % n
 Jump to position %n of the buddy chat buffer
/buffer readmark
 Jump to the readmark (first unread line), if there is one
/buffer search_backward text
 Search for [text] in the current buddy chat buffer
/buffer search_forward text
 Search for [text] in the current buddy chat buffer
/buffer scroll_lock
 Lock buffer scrolling
/buffer scroll_unlock
 Unlock buffer scrolling
/buffer scroll_toggle
 Toggle buffer scrolling (lock/unlock)
/buffer save filename
 Save the contents of the current buffer to the file "filename"